
Sunday, February 4, 2007

Is This You?

The difference between a good and bad network marketing is how he/she uses his/her time. Imagine the typical scenario, which I went through myself. Daily I would go through a daily list of leads calling every single person on that list, mostly receiving loud, screaming people who would shove me off and angrily hang up their phone. As most people I did this for quite some time, probably receiving one out of 10-20 people. That wasn't a bad ratio but it wasn't good enough for me and probably isn't for you either.

I scoured the internet for new methods and the cold calling method was used by most network marketers I knew. I eventually stumbled upon this and signed up to join the newsletter to receive a 10-day boot camp. This boot camp showed me a new method in which not only will my leads be paid for, but also I would get them calling me. It worked like a charm, and I love it so much, I hope to share It with you because of the success I know it will bring you.

To Your Business and Success,

Darryl Lardizabal

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Don't Stop Giving Because The Holidays Are Over

Written By: Darryl Lardizabal

I know many of you are flat out broke including myself because of the holiday season. With all the parties, gifts, and traveling going on, it sure is great to feel "normal" again. Well during the holiday season we give, give, and give some more like no tomorrow, but why don't we continue to do that for the rest of the year.

Giving is a very important trait and characteristic that seperates you from others. Those selfish and greedy to give are those that no one ever likes to be around. Tell me what do you think giving does for you? For me, it makes me feel happy, radiant, loving, and well just a better person for doing so, don't you think? But, don't think of it just for your own personal fulfillment because that shouldn't be the case, but more so for another person's enjoyment and happiness and thus your own as well.

Don't you remember the line that "Giving is better than receiving." Well it is, and what if I told you it could help your business as well. You see, business is mainly about one thing, that one thing, well hopefully you know it, is people. Any business that does not focus on what people want and need will eventually fail in the long run. You may say your in the health business, the communications business, h*ll even in the network marketing business, but guess what...all of these business are in the people business.

Now you may ask why did he go on and on about giving and suddenly change the subject to people. Well people and giving go hand and hand. You see giving of your time, your expertise, your own knowledge is something that people value and share and is a good way to create a relationship with someone you barely know. Business is about relationships and the more value, the more you give to make a relationship work, the more you can get out of it because people are more willing to help you out in return. Maybe not specifically with your business, but they will be able to help you in some way or form.

You see when you form a relationship, you form a connection that may not equivocate to a sign-up or a sale in the short-term, but can increase your business for the long-term by referrals being given to you. These referrals are always needed, and of course you can form connections with the people you just met as well. As stated by Jeffrey Gitomer, "All Things Being Equal, People Want To Do Business with Their Friends." You always want to give more, than you receive and for some reason this will lead to more being given to you as well.

You begin to create an attraction of giving towards you because you yourself are focused to giving as well. You begin to unknowingly and unconsciously make people want to help you out (giving you their time and sometimes even your money). This attraction is called the law of attraction and basically means you attract, what you most often think about and feel. So go ahead, go give to your friends, family, and people you barely know because you never know who will be given to you. Your giving will be eventually talked about by everyone and as stated by Jeffrey Gitomer, "It's not who you know, but who knows you" that truly matters.

Article can be used without consent as long as signature and article remains unedited.

To Your Business and Success,

Darryl Lardizabal

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Write Articles, It's Good for You and Better for your Business!

Copyright © Darryl Lardizabal

I'm not sure if many of you know it, but writing articles is one of the best ways to receive free advertising. Don't misunderstand me, you shouldn't be writing small, skimpy, misinformed information that contains no valuable information that is of little help just to get a few more advertising spots in. It should be used to increase your respect throughout the web space, while truly revealing something innovative and/or something, which is somewhat misunderstood. The more people that actually learn from you, apply your principles, and actually become a success, the more people you'll have knocking at your door seeking you out because you are reputable, honorable, and your looking out more for them then you.

You see, when you begin to actually care for people and show that through your writing people will begin to trust you more and be more accepting of what you have to offer. Now there are some important points and/or guidelines you should follow when you write articles and these will really make them sparkle.

1) Make it clear, easily understood, and as if you are talking to the reader.
People don't like to feel stupid when he/she reads, so don't make them feel that way. Don't use complicated wording and/or words that when read, need to be deciphered by a dictionary and a thesaurus. Write as if you were having a conversation with the reader, peaking his/her interest and making the article more interactive, don't you think?

2) Give them something valuable.
Try to hit on a subject that isn't usually written on, or hasn't been explained well. Don't you hate reading articles that aren't even addressing the topic in the first place or are specifically just trying to advertise something. Keep the advertising to a minimal and the content valuable and you will get more people checking out everything you have to say.

3) Submit your article wherever you can.
Look for article directories to submit your article. In each article make it in a similar format as mine, where you talk a bit about you in the end and what you do. This is where your advertising is, and when you actually hit on the past points, people will be more then happy to see what you are about.

Below is a huge list of article directories that you may use. Remember the more places you submit your article, the more people will see what you offer.

Finally, try writing an article once a week, or hire someone to write articles for you. Trust me, it will bring in more traffic and/or at least more loyal customers looking to learn more from YOU.

About the Author:
Darryl Lardizabal is a motivated businessman who dreams of helping people with their dreams and desires. He desires more than anything to see you succeed. You can visit his website at or his blog at and if you need any personal help contact him directly through his e-mail at

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Myspace, It's Free, Use It!

I'm not sure if you have heard of myspace, but it is one of the biggest internet phenomenons to date. With a huge number of users and a general/wide open marketability for all, you can never go wrong using it, especially if you have a business. Many people typically market using ad's and such trying to develop a huge stream of traffic to their site, but often neglect one of the biggest avenues on the internet to date, myspace. It's open and free for everyone to use, so you have broader market appeal and can chat to whoever you want. Now of course adding all the friends, etc is hard, but it is worth your time to do it.

Of course, there is an easier way, which I myself am using. I don't waste my time in front of my computer adding friends and sending comments/messages, and you shouldn't either. It's tiresome, boring, and needless, especially when you can use all the time you can get to run your huge business. You already are working hard and having to work even harder I know is killing you. You need something that can do it all for you. Something where you can truly just push a button and you are automatically doing what usually takes 1 hour and cuts it down to 20 mins. One of the biggest advantages is you set it and forget it, meaning it does what you used to do, for you automatically. So if you want to stop wasting your time and would like a simple, easy, and automatic way of using one of the best networking sites to your advantages and make huge profits while you're at it, Then you need to see this at BadderAdder

Remember, Myspace is still growing and is still untapped. Get in on it NOW or lose out on a huge marketing opportunity. Whether you do it manually or automatically (which if you do it automatically - will save you time, which you can use to help make you money somewhere else.), start using myspace. It's great and it works.

Just in case you don't know where to go for myspace, it's Myspace and for those that don't want to waste their time and would like to market automatically 24/7 then you need to see this as well at BadderAdder

-Darryl Lardizabal, The Money Maker

Learn how why I'm using these networking sites such as myspace now at,


Hmm, I've Noticed...

I have noticed alot of business sites that position certain objects in certain places and realize a few changes can be made, which will bring more clicks and traffic to whatever you actually are selling.

First, make sure what the person is looking for is actually available right away. Either the information or product because people don't want to look for what they want, they want it quick and fast because of how our society is.

Second, post any ads or interesting products on the right side if you must post ads. People innately and unconsciously would rather pick ads closer to their dominant hand rather than on their opposing hand. Most people are right handed, so ads should mostly be on the right hand side.

Third, make sure there is a large heading. The Heading will keep people on your site for a bit longer simply because they will be more inclined to search for what they are looking for if it isn't seen right away.

Fourth, scrap the glamor and colors for the most part or read more on color theory and find what types of people you are trying to attract. Focus more on the ads and your products and try to keep your ads and products in the center and the main focus as I stated earlier.

Lastly, most people tend to stray away from banners and advertisements, so keep them to a minimum. Try to use more text advertisements and embed them into your introduction and/or site. People tend to read through your biography and would be more interested to click if it doesn't look like an ad.

Man it's a long day but...

Man it is a long day for me today and probably for some of you business owners as well. You see all throughout life our many businesses whether home, franchise, start-up, or whatever you may have, has trouble finding traffic in one point or another in their business lifespan. What can we do to better receive it? Well, traffic in all sense of the word to us means customer visits but what I really should be talking about is traffic + conversion. Traffic conversion creates and bolsters the amount of our sales tenfold. You may be thinking it's a numbers game and yes it is, but everything is included in the numbers game we play. It's true the more people that we see it, the more we will get signups, sells, or whatever term you may use, but how can we increase our profit. You see if for example you are maybe getting 1000 people per hour, and only one person in that hour bought anything that is 1 out of 1000 people, netting you about 24 sales a day. Now what if you could increase the chances of you getting more people to buy, signup, etc. from you. What if you could just get an extra 2 people per every hour. Well thats 48 sales instead of 24, making you 100% more profit. How about 3? Well that's 200% more profit. You see increasing your traffic or prospects to customers will increase your business 100 times over plus the if you treat them great, they will keep coming back plus the many more customers you keep getting in through your door daily. So remember, though it may be a long day, or even the hardest day in your life, be persistent, work hard, and change prospects to customers and customers to friends. Your Business will be better for it, I guarentee it!

To your Business and Success,

Darryl Lardizabal


Starting a Business

There are many Pros and Cons to starting your own Business and for the most part their are mostly Cons; but that should not let you stop you from your dreams and your desires. You see the only real Pro to owning your own business is that you become your own boss and you handle what you want to handle, but for the most part that isn't the case. You see when you start a traditional business there are overhead costs, budgets, advertising and marketing fees, poorly designed business plans, and many more; plus the fact that there is a very high failure rate of 75% according to The Small Business Administration.

A day as a business owner is hectic, stressful, and you maybe "the boss," but are you really? You become an employee for yourself as well because you are even more so responsible for your work and business than you were before as an employee for someone else. Now you may be asking, why should I own my own business then in the first place? "Right now, you are convincing me I shouldn't," you might say. Well let me tell you that a business is hard, but why not increase the odds in your favor.

Buying an already existing, reputable business increases your odds drastically! The failure rate for a franchise business is only 5% compared to 75% starting on your own. For the most part, you probably won't even have to raise your own capital and banks realize that finacially backing you is worth their time and money. Also, you have business and financial support for the most part from the main franchise company. Now, you may say, "I care more about my dreams and desires then the failure rates and such." Well I will tell you of course you should, but how about having your own dreams and desires, while saving you from the stress from running a traditional business.

You see home businesses are on the rise and more and more people are getting on the band wagon and looking into such a great opportunity. According to the IDC the average home based business is making about $63,000 a year. The PROs are even more so then any other business because you truly have family time, you have less stress, you have a smaller buy in, you simply need a computer, less overhead. and many more. The Cons are simply losing your capital and money because you did it without a mentor, guide. Well, many home business have people who usually sponsor and support you and will truly take you under their wing. So, you use them and learn from them their experience, so you really don't lose out. Look for a business with a successful business plan that provides not one stream of income but 2, 3,4. Look for a business which increases the profits from one person. So when you get that one sale, it would be worth 4 or 5 to someone else. One that already has a laid out plan just for you to get started from home. One that really doesn't take work, just dedication and passion to succeed. And if you truly follow it, you will, and I know it. One of the best franchises I am part of is

To Your Business and Success

Darryl Lardizabal