
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Man it's a long day but...

Man it is a long day for me today and probably for some of you business owners as well. You see all throughout life our many businesses whether home, franchise, start-up, or whatever you may have, has trouble finding traffic in one point or another in their business lifespan. What can we do to better receive it? Well, traffic in all sense of the word to us means customer visits but what I really should be talking about is traffic + conversion. Traffic conversion creates and bolsters the amount of our sales tenfold. You may be thinking it's a numbers game and yes it is, but everything is included in the numbers game we play. It's true the more people that we see it, the more we will get signups, sells, or whatever term you may use, but how can we increase our profit. You see if for example you are maybe getting 1000 people per hour, and only one person in that hour bought anything that is 1 out of 1000 people, netting you about 24 sales a day. Now what if you could increase the chances of you getting more people to buy, signup, etc. from you. What if you could just get an extra 2 people per every hour. Well thats 48 sales instead of 24, making you 100% more profit. How about 3? Well that's 200% more profit. You see increasing your traffic or prospects to customers will increase your business 100 times over plus the if you treat them great, they will keep coming back plus the many more customers you keep getting in through your door daily. So remember, though it may be a long day, or even the hardest day in your life, be persistent, work hard, and change prospects to customers and customers to friends. Your Business will be better for it, I guarentee it!

To your Business and Success,

Darryl Lardizabal


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